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We offer a range of workshops in the areas of directing, dramaturgy, writing, and devising. We specialize in adaptation practices and interdisciplinary work.


Contact us for more information about the workshops we offer or to discuss creating a tailor-made program.


Presented with the Royal School Speech and Drama, The Hope Theatre, Framework Theatre

The Adaptation Series workshops cover a range of topics that address both the form and content of creating adaptations in today's theatre scene, saturated with productions offering their own take on the classics. From developing a concept to approaching contemporary adaptations with a subversive lens, these sessions present the fundamentals to the "Aslant" way of creating adaptations.


Previous sessions in the series include: 


  • Contemporary Approaches to Adaptation​

  • The Dos and Don'ts of Feminist Adaptations

  • Shakespeare & Devising

  • Adapting as an Ensemble


Approximate duration: 1h 30 minutes per session

Adaptation workshops


Presented with Young Vic Genesis Network

This practical online workshop examines the director-dramaturg relationship in the devising process. It combines networking and working in small groups for its double purpose: 1) get directors and dramaturgs to connect and 2) explore each of their roles in devising. The end goal is to spark connection, collaboration, and conversation around the role of dramaturgs beyond new writing and literary management.


The workshop is designed for a group of directors and dramaturgs who will work in pairs on a devised adaptation of a well-known story using a specific lens. Participants will go through the process of preparation, devising with actors, and script compilation.


Approximate duration: 2h 30 minutes


Presented with Part of The Main

In this practical workshop, theatre-makers Aida Rocci and Antonia Georgieva will look into different types of script reading techniques and tips for writing a dramaturgical report for institutions, producers, and writing awards/festivals. Participants go through the process of reading a script and writing a report for a short play. This workshop is particularly suitable for dramaturgs, directors, and anyone else interested in script reading for theatre.


Participants will learn:


  • Techniques for reading a new script

  • What to include in a report and what makes a good report

  • Different tactics according to who you are reading for

  • How to become a reader and different institutions.


This workshop is a 50-50 mix of discussion and practical exercises, where participants will get a chance to write a report on a short play/extract. At the end of the workshop, the participants will leave with a sample of their work and a spreadsheet with reading opportunities.


Approximate duration: 2h

General workshops


Presented with Collective Creative Initiative

The From Page to Stage Workshops explore ways in which movement and text can interact to create meaning. Drawing from both choreography and directing, in this series of workshops you will encounter various compositional strategies for incorporating physical movement into your text work and vice versa. You will also have the option to record certain sections with your mobile phone for future reference. The workshop will be geared towards research and development and choreography practice. Led by Kosta Karakashyan and Antonia Georgieva, who have been investigating the relationship between theatre, text, and dance, these interactive sessions presents their collaborative findings geared towards performers, dancers, choreographers, movers, and devisers. 


Approximate duration: 1h per session


Presented with Thornhill Theatre Space

In this session, Artistic Director Antonia Georgieva discusses her eclectic process of making work as a director. Leading participants through the basic principles that define her work with Aslant, she breaks down the director's process from start to finish illustrated with examples of from her practice. This session is open to directors of all levels but is geared towards people with relatively little experience interested in gaining a different perspective and insight into the directing process. 


Approximate duration: 1h

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